Campaign News & Stories
Winsor Launches “Beyond Boston” with Annual NYC Event

November 2, 2023—On West 77th, in a private dining room at Essential by Cristophe, nearly 30 Winsor alumnae were treated to a reception with cocktails and passed hors d’oeuvres. For several years, Winsor has hosted a gathering in the Big Apple for those who reside or work in NYC. This year’s reception brought together alumnae ranging from the Class of 1954 to the Class of 2017.
“Like all of you, I am a deep believer in the transformative power of a Winsor education. Thank you for sharing in that belief and for being loyal friends and supporters of this extraordinary school,” said Head of School Sarah Pelmas in her remarks.
Together with the President of the Winsor Board of Trustees Allison Kaneb Pellegrino ’89, P’21, ’22, and Director of Advancement Erika McMahon, Ms. Pelmas is visiting local communities around the country. NYC was the first stop in the “Beyond Boston” tour.
“Our faculty could not do the work that they do without you,” said Ms. Pelmas, who shared the goals of the Winsor Leads Campaign, one of which is securing competitive compensation for Winsor faculty.
With a record-breaking campaign goal in mind, the hope is also to build Winsor’s endowment to secure the future of the school for another 138 years, and expand critical financial aid resources.
Winsor is heading to Dallas on January 25, 2024. Look for additional Beyond Boston events in Dallas, Los Angeles, and Palm Beach this winter. A public campaign launch event is planned for May 2, 2024 in Boston.