Winsor’s campaign
Priorities and Goals
Winsor Leads is a $100 million comprehensive endowment campaign inspired by our people.
Our students, our faculty, and our extended family of parents, past parents, grandparents, alumnae, and friends are why The Winsor School is a leader in independent school education.
Through investments in the Winsor Leads campaign, we will secure: 1) student support, 2) competitive faculty compensation, and 3) unrestricted and immediate-use support for school life through the Winsor Fund.

Student Support
Goal: To lead in welcoming the most qualified students to an increasingly equitable and inclusive school community, Winsor Leads will expand financial aid and wraparound support for exceptional students.
For our students, together we will:
- Increase the financial aid budget, empowering the director of admission and financial aid with the resources to accept the most remarkable applicants, regardless of their ability to pay.
- Secure endowed funds to ensure that students have equitable access to participation in the full Winsor experience, including athletics, trips abroad, and college visits.
- Bolster support for proactive admission recruitment, outreach, and partnerships with surrounding schools and organizations to further diversify the student body.
- Expand the LEAD Scholars Program, recruiting extraordinary students who reside in the City of Boston and providing them with full tuition and wraparound support throughout their time at Winsor.
Faculty Excellence
Goal: To lead in recruitment and retention of exceptional faculty, Winsor Leads will secure the resources required to cultivate, recognize, and reward faculty excellence in perpetuity.
For our faculty, together we will:
- Enhance endowment to secure faculty compensation in the top quartile of peer schools and attract great teachers and administrators to Winsor.
- Endow faculty leadership positions to secure them in perpetuity and retain top teaching talent at Winsor.
- Support ongoing comprehensive recruiting, varied and extensive professional development, and robust, competitive compensation to ensure a highly qualified and diverse faculty and staff.
The Winsor Fund
Goal: To lead in the number of parents, parents of alumnae, grandparents, alumnae, students, faculty, and friends who participate in a girls’ school campaign, we will ignite the collective power of philanthropy by rallying support for the Winsor Fund.
For our school, together we will:
- Expand vital immediate-use support for Winsor, bridging the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating a student.
- Grow critical, current-use dollars to invest in every student, every teacher, and all the areas of the school that make a Winsor education exceptional.
- Build unrestricted and immediate-use funds, equipping Winsor to strengthen opportunities for this community of lifelong learners.