Campaign News & Stories
The Kimberly Ramos Faculty Support Fund

Brenda Haynes and Adam Koppel P’16 together with their daughter, Rebecca Koppel ’16, have made a significant campaign commitment in support of Winsor’s faculty. The fund they’ve established supports the school’s dedicated teachers who have achieved the milestone of 10 years in their Winsor tenures. These educators lead by example in the community, offering mentorship to emerging faculty leaders, championing countless Winsor students, and maintaining connections to beloved Winsor alums. This endowed faculty fellowship will secure a portion of long-tenured faculty salaries, ensuring competitive compensation for our highly devoted faculty, in perpetuity.
In naming the fund, Brenda wrote, “Rebecca was really inspired by Kimberly Ramos during her time at Winsor. Adam and I (would like to honor her) with our gift.” And so, this fund has been named the Kimberly Ramos Faculty Support Fund.